Enerfin possesses over twenty-five years of operating, engineering and marketing experience as a team within our company to promptly evaluate options, develop proposals and execute plans for new "grassroots" midstream projects.

Focusing on natural gas pipeline gathering projects, Enerfin has managed the construction or reconditioning of over 800 miles of pipelines from inception. Targeted projects generally vary in investment size from $250,000 to $10 million and have included:

  • low, mid, and high pressure pipelines
  • compression stations
  • treating facilities
  • blending facilities
  • processing plants
Enerfin welcomes any opportunity to work with your company. For more details please contact:

Tom Guinn, Manager, Business Development & Gas Acquisitions

2500 CityWest Blvd, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: (918) 373-2337
Fax: (713) 888-8629
Email: tguinn@enerfin.com